Sexual Liberation: To Each Their Own Form of Love • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4243378
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two men discuss the events of the previous day. They discuss the possibility of rekindling their love for each other, and they decide that they will have to start thinking about marriage at some point in the future. When they are alone, the men discuss whether they are afraid of men, and the men agree that they are. When the men are alone together, the women discuss their feelings for one another. The women express their desire to have sex, but the men do not want to get involved in such a sexual relationship. The men decide that it is better for them to be alone together than to be involved in a relationship with someone else.
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Sexual Liberation: To Each Their Own Form of Love • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4243378
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two men discuss the events of the previous day. They discuss the possibility of rekindling their love for each other, and they decide that they will have to start thinking about marriage at some point in the future. When they are alone, the men discuss whether they are afraid of men, and the men agree that they are. When the men are alone together, the women discuss their feelings for one another. The women express their desire to have sex, but the men do not want to get involved in such a sexual relationship. The men decide that it is better for them to be alone together than to be involved in a relationship with someone else.
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