Perverted Boss’s Private Porno • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-4244044
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
The next day, the boss tells his employees that the search bar on the top of the page is not working properly. He has looked at all of the specs and designs, and there is nothing to indicate the cause of the problem. He says that it is only a week before the product is to be released, and that if they don't find a solution, they'll never be able to make it. The boss says that he's a "pro grammer" , and he'll review the code to see if there's anything he can do to make the problem go away. He thanks the boss for his kind words, but says that the verification from B.P. will take a while to come through, so they should take a nap.
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Perverted Boss’s Private Porno • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-4244044
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
The next day, the boss tells his employees that the search bar on the top of the page is not working properly. He has looked at all of the specs and designs, and there is nothing to indicate the cause of the problem. He says that it is only a week before the product is to be released, and that if they don't find a solution, they'll never be able to make it. The boss says that he's a "pro grammer" , and he'll review the code to see if there's anything he can do to make the problem go away. He thanks the boss for his kind words, but says that the verification from B.P. will take a while to come through, so they should take a nap.
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