Perverted Boss’s Private Porno • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4244047
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the Perverted Boss has not responded to any of the messages he's received in the past month. He's also been working extra hard to make sure that the company he works for doesn't have to pay for the product that they've just released. He also wants to know if it's possible to make the company's products appear higher up in the App Store than they already are. The Perverted boss says that he'll try to do so, but that's not going to be easy since the company is one of his biggest clients. The company wants to have a drink with him, but he refuses, saying that he just came all the way from work to get there. He says that this is his first time ever having sex with someone like yashima, and that he wants to fuck him again.
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Perverted Boss’s Private Porno • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4244047
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the Perverted Boss has not responded to any of the messages he's received in the past month. He's also been working extra hard to make sure that the company he works for doesn't have to pay for the product that they've just released. He also wants to know if it's possible to make the company's products appear higher up in the App Store than they already are. The Perverted boss says that he'll try to do so, but that's not going to be easy since the company is one of his biggest clients. The company wants to have a drink with him, but he refuses, saying that he just came all the way from work to get there. He says that this is his first time ever having sex with someone like yashima, and that he wants to fuck him again.
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