In this short scene, we are introduced to the "Incubus" and his assistant, the "Bus." The "Bus" is a vehicle for the two of them to perform sexual intercourse. The sex scene begins with the "bus" snootily delivering a soliloquy in which he tells his assistant to "dump" him and to "suck" him. He then tells the assistant that he will "do any thing within his power" if he does not come inside him. The scene ends with the sex scene again, this time in which the two are engaged in a sexual encounter.
In this short scene, we are introduced to the "Incubus" and his assistant, the "Bus." The "Bus" is a vehicle for the two of them to perform sexual intercourse. The sex scene begins with the "bus" snootily delivering a soliloquy in which he tells his assistant to "dump" him and to "suck" him. He then tells the assistant that he will "do any thing within his power" if he does not come inside him. The scene ends with the sex scene again, this time in which the two are engaged in a sexual encounter.