The Man of the Island’s Unmatched Way of Capturing Me - Being Completely Loved on the Sea • Chapter 24: End • Page ik-page-4178651
Chapter 24: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 24: End
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Sachi tells Tommo that he's glad to be back on the island, but that he needs to get his life back on track. He tells him to "hand it in" the next day so that he can "get a grip" on it. Tommo says that he has returned to his daily life, but it still feels "real" to him. He wants to call Sachi, but he can't hear his voice. He's afraid he'll lose himself if he doesn't see him right away. Sachi says that there are so many apartments around the island that he was "completely sorry" , and that he left his phone on silent during his work so that it wouldn't sound like he was sad. He says he wants to tell Sachi something "face-to-face" . He asks Sachi if he'd like to live with him, and he says yes. He adds that he would like to be living with Sachi "all one month later" so that they can get to know each other better.
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The Man of the Island’s Unmatched Way of Capturing Me - Being Completely Loved on the Sea • Chapter 24: End • Page ik-page-4178651
Chapter 24: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 24: End
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Sachi tells Tommo that he's glad to be back on the island, but that he needs to get his life back on track. He tells him to "hand it in" the next day so that he can "get a grip" on it. Tommo says that he has returned to his daily life, but it still feels "real" to him. He wants to call Sachi, but he can't hear his voice. He's afraid he'll lose himself if he doesn't see him right away. Sachi says that there are so many apartments around the island that he was "completely sorry" , and that he left his phone on silent during his work so that it wouldn't sound like he was sad. He says he wants to tell Sachi something "face-to-face" . He asks Sachi if he'd like to live with him, and he says yes. He adds that he would like to be living with Sachi "all one month later" so that they can get to know each other better.
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