Thank You, Doctor

Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992623
Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992329
Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992330
Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992331
Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992332
Chapter 40: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 40: End
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young doctor explains that he is returning to the U.S. to make sure that everything is back to normal. He tells Bai that he will be back in two weeks. Bai asks if he still cares about him, and he says that he does. Bai tells him that two weeks later, he should relax and not be too nervous about his return. Bai explains that medicine is like any other profession, and it depends on many factors, such as the patient's honesty and trust, and the doctors habit, instinct and experience. Bai says that for a while, he doubted whether he could heal patients, but now he feels that he can do so. He explains that in medicine, there is a gray area in which the doctor should make a decision and the patient should make the decision. In the end, the doctor has to bear more responsibility. Bai
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Thank You, Doctor

Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992623
Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992329
Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992330
Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992331
Thank You, Doctor • Chapter 40: End • Page ik-page-3992332
Chapter 40: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 40: End
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young doctor explains that he is returning to the U.S. to make sure that everything is back to normal. He tells Bai that he will be back in two weeks. Bai asks if he still cares about him, and he says that he does. Bai tells him that two weeks later, he should relax and not be too nervous about his return. Bai explains that medicine is like any other profession, and it depends on many factors, such as the patient's honesty and trust, and the doctors habit, instinct and experience. Bai says that for a while, he doubted whether he could heal patients, but now he feels that he can do so. He explains that in medicine, there is a gray area in which the doctor should make a decision and the patient should make the decision. In the end, the doctor has to bear more responsibility. Bai
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