Back at school, a new girl named Chacha Lu is introduced to the other students. She's super excited to meet her new friend, a girl named Azhuo, who's also a new student. A little awkward at first, but then she gets over it and tells him that she's just carrying his sister's bags. Huh? Huh? Well, she'd better hurry up and get home because her parents and sister have gone missing. Awkwardly, she tells him to give her his bags, which she wrapped up early so she wouldn't have to worry about him when he's so busy
Back at school, a new girl named Chacha Lu is introduced to the other students. She's super excited to meet her new friend, a girl named Azhuo, who's also a new student. A little awkward at first, but then she gets over it and tells him that she's just carrying his sister's bags. Huh? Huh? Well, she'd better hurry up and get home because her parents and sister have gone missing. Awkwardly, she tells him to give her his bags, which she wrapped up early so she wouldn't have to worry about him when he's so busy