The scene opens with a flashback to the beginning of the school year, when a group of students, led by Lee Hyunwoo, are fighting in the hallway. One of the students is crying hysterically, and the others are trying to calm her down. When the fight is over, the students leave the room, and Lee is left alone on the balcony. He tells the other students that he is the victim of the fight, and that he will help them until they graduate.
The scene opens with a flashback to the beginning of the school year, when a group of students, led by Lee Hyunwoo, are fighting in the hallway. One of the students is crying hysterically, and the others are trying to calm her down. When the fight is over, the students leave the room, and Lee is left alone on the balcony. He tells the other students that he is the victim of the fight, and that he will help them until they graduate.