This is a locked chapterChapter 16: Yuna's Favorite Outfit
About This Chapter
Since the beginning of the new semester, she's decided to buy her a new outfit. She's always nice to her doll, and she wants to make sure that she doesn't have any complaints about being nice today. She tells her that she'll buy her an outfit in exchange for a week's worth of cleaning her bath. This is a good idea, because it means that you'll be able to spend more time with your doll. The shop is full of pretty clothes, and yuna can't wait to try them on. She says that she likes the clothes, but that they don't really fit her. She decides to go with the one that'
This is a locked chapterChapter 16: Yuna's Favorite Outfit
About This Chapter
Since the beginning of the new semester, she's decided to buy her a new outfit. She's always nice to her doll, and she wants to make sure that she doesn't have any complaints about being nice today. She tells her that she'll buy her an outfit in exchange for a week's worth of cleaning her bath. This is a good idea, because it means that you'll be able to spend more time with your doll. The shop is full of pretty clothes, and yuna can't wait to try them on. She says that she likes the clothes, but that they don't really fit her. She decides to go with the one that'