Stitch! — Diary for BFFs!

Stitch! — Diary for BFFs! • Chapter 11: Kijimunaa And The Forest • Page ik-page-8507
Chapter 11: Kijimunaa And The Forest
This is a locked chapterChapter 11: Kijimunaa And The Forest
About This Chapter
It's the boss's turn to cry out for help. He's being bullied, he says, and he's asking for help from two people who can't help him. The two of them are the only ones who can help, and they're not going to let anyone bully them. They're going to help you move the boss, they say, and then they'll do it for you. They don't want to hurt you, they promise, but they do want to make sure that you're OK. The boss says he needs to move to a place with more sunshine, and that's where he'll be able to do it. He wants to be near a tree with more sunlight, but he needs help moving the tree, so he asks for some help. The guys are all, "Sure, we can help
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Stitch! — Diary for BFFs!

Stitch! — Diary for BFFs! • Chapter 11: Kijimunaa And The Forest • Page ik-page-8507
Chapter 11: Kijimunaa And The Forest
This is a locked chapterChapter 11: Kijimunaa And The Forest
About This Chapter
It's the boss's turn to cry out for help. He's being bullied, he says, and he's asking for help from two people who can't help him. The two of them are the only ones who can help, and they're not going to let anyone bully them. They're going to help you move the boss, they say, and then they'll do it for you. They don't want to hurt you, they promise, but they do want to make sure that you're OK. The boss says he needs to move to a place with more sunshine, and that's where he'll be able to do it. He wants to be near a tree with more sunlight, but he needs help moving the tree, so he asks for some help. The guys are all, "Sure, we can help
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