Stitch! — Diary for BFFs!

Stitch! — Diary for BFFs! • Chapter 13: Operation Valentine's Day!♥ • Page ik-page-8521
Chapter 13: Operation Valentine's Day!♥
This is a locked chapterChapter 13: Operation Valentine's Day!♥
About This Chapter
It's Valentine's Day, and the girls are making some chocolate. They're making it late, but they're having a good time. The chocolate tastes good, but it's not as good as they'd like it to be, so they'll have to wait until after they've finished making it before they eat it.
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Stitch! — Diary for BFFs!

Stitch! — Diary for BFFs! • Chapter 13: Operation Valentine's Day!♥ • Page ik-page-8521
Chapter 13: Operation Valentine's Day!♥
This is a locked chapterChapter 13: Operation Valentine's Day!♥
About This Chapter
It's Valentine's Day, and the girls are making some chocolate. They're making it late, but they're having a good time. The chocolate tastes good, but it's not as good as they'd like it to be, so they'll have to wait until after they've finished making it before they eat it.
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