Scarlet Soul

Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6120
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6121
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6122
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6123
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6124
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6125
Vol.1 Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 5
About This Chapter
The fire in the sky is like a flame burning in the heart of Kishida, and she is finally accepted into her destiny. The fire is like an "impetuous fire," whose power grows like a "trollable flame" . She feels the "ardor burning" in her heart. She packs a snack along with her food and waits for the weather to warm up. She tells Kishida that she can change her bandages and treat her burns. She says that she is sorry to make her travel so long on foot, but she cannot draw attention to herself. She asks him to thank her, but he says that he was unable to save her. He tells her that he knows someone who can help her find the answers to her questions, and that she should go to the "red mountain" in the earth and try to find the fire-oracles of the god-karith. He says that the oracles will be able to tell her the answers she is looking for. He also says that recent events have made them on high alert, but that they will be a relief to all of them. He reminds her that she fought a "corrupt demon" a few days before, and the water is freezing. She reminds him that she made a promise to him a long time ago that she would stay with him, and now that she hears him say these things, she feels like she is no longer important to him. He gives her a letter with the royal seal.
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Scarlet Soul

Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6120
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6121
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6122
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6123
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6124
Scarlet Soul • Vol.1 Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-6125
Vol.1 Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 5
About This Chapter
The fire in the sky is like a flame burning in the heart of Kishida, and she is finally accepted into her destiny. The fire is like an "impetuous fire," whose power grows like a "trollable flame" . She feels the "ardor burning" in her heart. She packs a snack along with her food and waits for the weather to warm up. She tells Kishida that she can change her bandages and treat her burns. She says that she is sorry to make her travel so long on foot, but she cannot draw attention to herself. She asks him to thank her, but he says that he was unable to save her. He tells her that he knows someone who can help her find the answers to her questions, and that she should go to the "red mountain" in the earth and try to find the fire-oracles of the god-karith. He says that the oracles will be able to tell her the answers she is looking for. He also says that recent events have made them on high alert, but that they will be a relief to all of them. He reminds her that she fought a "corrupt demon" a few days before, and the water is freezing. She reminds him that she made a promise to him a long time ago that she would stay with him, and now that she hears him say these things, she feels like she is no longer important to him. He gives her a letter with the royal seal.
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