Quagmire [Mature]

Quagmire [Mature] • Chapter 25: End • Page ik-page-3535185
Quagmire [Mature] • Chapter 25: End • Page ik-page-3535186
Chapter 25: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 25: End
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with Kim's entrance. He asks Kim if he'll be able to defeat everyone in the room, including the president. Kim says that he's not sure that's going to happen. He's also worried about making a profit off of this fight. Kim asks if he can just enjoy it for a little bit. Kim wants to know if it feels special now. He also wants to make sure that Kim doesn't cry about how great it feels. Kim tells Kim that he has a lot of work to do.
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Quagmire [Mature]

Quagmire [Mature] • Chapter 25: End • Page ik-page-3535185
Quagmire [Mature] • Chapter 25: End • Page ik-page-3535186
Chapter 25: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 25: End
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with Kim's entrance. He asks Kim if he'll be able to defeat everyone in the room, including the president. Kim says that he's not sure that's going to happen. He's also worried about making a profit off of this fight. Kim asks if he can just enjoy it for a little bit. Kim wants to know if it feels special now. He also wants to make sure that Kim doesn't cry about how great it feels. Kim tells Kim that he has a lot of work to do.
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