Divine Scroll Destiny • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-3011315
Divine Scroll Destiny • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-3011316
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
It's been a long time since we've seen Cai-Xu's sister, and now she's in a lot of pain. She begs her aunty to get her out of the house so she can be with her father, but the older sister won't listen to her pleas. Instead, she tells her sister to "get a hold of her-self" and be safe.
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Divine Scroll Destiny • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-3011315
Divine Scroll Destiny • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-3011316
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
It's been a long time since we've seen Cai-Xu's sister, and now she's in a lot of pain. She begs her aunty to get her out of the house so she can be with her father, but the older sister won't listen to her pleas. Instead, she tells her sister to "get a hold of her-self" and be safe.
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