The Governess is pleased to find that she is an "omega" . She feels that she has been hard at work for a long time, and now she is able to feel her love for the Governess's "bastard's" scent. She wants to make sure that he does not come in too close to her, so she pushes him to the point that he almost comes in, but she squelches him with her fingers, saying that she does not understand what she is doing. She then asks him how long he has been "hiding the fact that he's an omega" and what he is talking about. He says that he is "an omega" , and she asks him what he means by "omega."
The Governess is pleased to find that she is an "omega" . She feels that she has been hard at work for a long time, and now she is able to feel her love for the Governess's "bastard's" scent. She wants to make sure that he does not come in too close to her, so she pushes him to the point that he almost comes in, but she squelches him with her fingers, saying that she does not understand what she is doing. She then asks him how long he has been "hiding the fact that he's an omega" and what he is talking about. He says that he is "an omega" , and she asks him what he means by "omega."