I Didn’t Ask You to Make Love to Me! The Man I’m Obsessed With is a Male Porn Star • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-2697509
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
In this short scene, a young man named Shmoop introduces himself as a "male porn star" who is "abruptly obsessed" with a man named "a male pornstar pant pant" . The young man, who is dressed in a mask and a mask-like vest, is in love with the man, whom he refers to as "the masked fucker" , and the two of them go for a walk together in the park. The man is wearing a cross-dressing academy mask, and he is a member of the cast of the "cross dressing academy series," a series of films in which young men are forced to wear makeup and wear masks in order to perform sexual acts in front of a female audience. The two men discuss their mutual love for each other, and Shmiller reveals that he was once a virgin and had a "threesome" with an upper-class man and his girlfriend. The girl was a "girl" and the man was an "upperclass man" ; the girl's name was "Kyousuke" and she was his "senior" and "his girlfriend." The young men discuss how they have been getting bored of each other and have been hanging out at Kyousuke's house, where the girl is waiting for them. When the young men ask each other if they are allowed to confess to the girl, they are told that they are not allowed to do so.
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I Didn’t Ask You to Make Love to Me! The Man I’m Obsessed With is a Male Porn Star • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-2697509
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
In this short scene, a young man named Shmoop introduces himself as a "male porn star" who is "abruptly obsessed" with a man named "a male pornstar pant pant" . The young man, who is dressed in a mask and a mask-like vest, is in love with the man, whom he refers to as "the masked fucker" , and the two of them go for a walk together in the park. The man is wearing a cross-dressing academy mask, and he is a member of the cast of the "cross dressing academy series," a series of films in which young men are forced to wear makeup and wear masks in order to perform sexual acts in front of a female audience. The two men discuss their mutual love for each other, and Shmiller reveals that he was once a virgin and had a "threesome" with an upper-class man and his girlfriend. The girl was a "girl" and the man was an "upperclass man" ; the girl's name was "Kyousuke" and she was his "senior" and "his girlfriend." The young men discuss how they have been getting bored of each other and have been hanging out at Kyousuke's house, where the girl is waiting for them. When the young men ask each other if they are allowed to confess to the girl, they are told that they are not allowed to do so.
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