Lily Marble

Lily Marble • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-2476248
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young woman, Lily, and the man she's been seeing, the manager, meet again. She's bummed that she can't make it to the manager's house for dinner, but she still wants to hang out with him. Lily tells the man that she'll be back soon, but first, she wants to tell him that he can text her whenever he wants. He's not supposed to do that, but he does, and he's all, "Hey, I'm free tomorrow!" . Lily says that she doesn't want to wait for a reply, so she just sends him a quick text message. The man is shocked to hear that Lily has sent him a message, and Lily is all "Whoa, I didn't mean to send you a message!" , but then she realizes that the man is probably going to be angry with her for sending him such a quick message. She tells him to chill out, and then she shows him a cute little outfit she made out of her boyfriend's clothes. Lily is totally into the idea of dressing up in boyfriend clothes, and she says that's exactly what she likes about the man. Lily's totally into this idea, too, and says she'd like to try it out on her own. She shows Lily a picture of herself wearing a boyfriend shirt, which she says is pretty cute, but Lily says it's too sexy for her taste. She says that her boobs are popping out too much in the picture, which makes her think Lily is showing off her legs too much. Lily thinks that Lily is overreacting
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Lily Marble

Lily Marble • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-2476248
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young woman, Lily, and the man she's been seeing, the manager, meet again. She's bummed that she can't make it to the manager's house for dinner, but she still wants to hang out with him. Lily tells the man that she'll be back soon, but first, she wants to tell him that he can text her whenever he wants. He's not supposed to do that, but he does, and he's all, "Hey, I'm free tomorrow!" . Lily says that she doesn't want to wait for a reply, so she just sends him a quick text message. The man is shocked to hear that Lily has sent him a message, and Lily is all "Whoa, I didn't mean to send you a message!" , but then she realizes that the man is probably going to be angry with her for sending him such a quick message. She tells him to chill out, and then she shows him a cute little outfit she made out of her boyfriend's clothes. Lily is totally into the idea of dressing up in boyfriend clothes, and she says that's exactly what she likes about the man. Lily's totally into this idea, too, and says she'd like to try it out on her own. She shows Lily a picture of herself wearing a boyfriend shirt, which she says is pretty cute, but Lily says it's too sexy for her taste. She says that her boobs are popping out too much in the picture, which makes her think Lily is showing off her legs too much. Lily thinks that Lily is overreacting
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