Kung Fu Klutz & Karate Cool

Kung Fu Klutz & Karate Cool • Vol.1 Chapter 4: Dinner at the Klutzers • Page ik-page-2338030
Vol.1 Chapter 4: Dinner at the Klutzers
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 4: Dinner at the Klutzers
About This Chapter
It's dinnertime. Goliath is playing with his dog, and the water in the sink is spurting out. The dog barks, which means "deee" in French, and "lish" in English. Marvin's mom is freaking out, and he wants to talk to her about something. He wants to know if he can do something violent like "karate fu" when he's older. His mom says it's "too dangerous" for him to do it now, but that he can learn it later. He's psyched.
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Kung Fu Klutz & Karate Cool

Kung Fu Klutz & Karate Cool • Vol.1 Chapter 4: Dinner at the Klutzers • Page ik-page-2338030
Vol.1 Chapter 4: Dinner at the Klutzers
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 4: Dinner at the Klutzers
About This Chapter
It's dinnertime. Goliath is playing with his dog, and the water in the sink is spurting out. The dog barks, which means "deee" in French, and "lish" in English. Marvin's mom is freaking out, and he wants to talk to her about something. He wants to know if he can do something violent like "karate fu" when he's older. His mom says it's "too dangerous" for him to do it now, but that he can learn it later. He's psyched.
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