Kung Fu Klutz & Karate Cool

Kung Fu Klutz & Karate Cool • Vol.1 Chapter 3: Marvin's Big Idea • Page ik-page-2338020
Vol.1 Chapter 3: Marvin's Big Idea
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 3: Marvin's Big Idea
About This Chapter
The final bell rings and everyone runs out of the school. Marvin is so excited that he leaps out of his hiding place and runs down the block. He runs into his older brother, hank, who threatens to beat him up if he doesn't stop. The two boys hide behind a dumpster and watch the fight. They wonder why the older brother is so nasty to his younger brother. They decide that they're going to learn karate so that no one will mess with them. They ask their parents for permission to join, and then they jump into the air.
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Kung Fu Klutz & Karate Cool

Kung Fu Klutz & Karate Cool • Vol.1 Chapter 3: Marvin's Big Idea • Page ik-page-2338020
Vol.1 Chapter 3: Marvin's Big Idea
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 3: Marvin's Big Idea
About This Chapter
The final bell rings and everyone runs out of the school. Marvin is so excited that he leaps out of his hiding place and runs down the block. He runs into his older brother, hank, who threatens to beat him up if he doesn't stop. The two boys hide behind a dumpster and watch the fight. They wonder why the older brother is so nasty to his younger brother. They decide that they're going to learn karate so that no one will mess with them. They ask their parents for permission to join, and then they jump into the air.
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