
Coyotes • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-1932928
Coyotes • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-1932919
Coyotes • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-1932924
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the women discuss the fact that they've lost their way. They don't want to go back to hiding in the train station, they say, because they're afraid of what they'll find there. They're also worried about what the men will think of them if they find out that they were once a part of a group of men who were allowed to stay with them in the mountains. The women, however, are not afraid of the men, they just want to be alone. They want to talk about what happened to them when they were separated. When they heard what happened, they all felt it, and they all launched out into the mountains to find out what happened. They made spears out of ice and tied them to their armor, and then they tore the women limb from limb, believing that what they saw made them sick. They thank all the men who have helped them, but they have to go, because the men have destroyed everything. They wonder if the women are sisters, and one of them says that they have a special gene that makes them blue-eyed. They can't bring the women back to the station because they feel that something is growing between them, and it's going away.
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Coyotes • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-1932928
Coyotes • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-1932919
Coyotes • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-1932924
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the women discuss the fact that they've lost their way. They don't want to go back to hiding in the train station, they say, because they're afraid of what they'll find there. They're also worried about what the men will think of them if they find out that they were once a part of a group of men who were allowed to stay with them in the mountains. The women, however, are not afraid of the men, they just want to be alone. They want to talk about what happened to them when they were separated. When they heard what happened, they all felt it, and they all launched out into the mountains to find out what happened. They made spears out of ice and tied them to their armor, and then they tore the women limb from limb, believing that what they saw made them sick. They thank all the men who have helped them, but they have to go, because the men have destroyed everything. They wonder if the women are sisters, and one of them says that they have a special gene that makes them blue-eyed. They can't bring the women back to the station because they feel that something is growing between them, and it's going away.
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