At the beginning of the chapter, we are introduced to a new character named Hata Natsu, who is a student at a junior high school in Kukishima, a city in northeastern Japan. He is a friend of the school's karate master, Tomoyuki Sanjumoto, and he has been training with him for the past six years. Hata tells us that he is a "particularly good" athlete, and that he hopes to be able to help his friend at the school. He tells her that he has never met her before, and she is surprised to learn that she is his friend. She asks him how he is able to stay by the side of his master, and when he says that his role as a trainer is to "fix just your once" , Hata says that this requires a "trained professional" . She tells him that the school has changed so that it is more like a private school. She then asks him if he is going to enroll at the new school, and his response is that he does not want to go, because he has not yet "realized" the change. He then asks her if she is here for snacks, and her response is, "I am here to get the tablet !" . He says that he lost a lot of matches with his friend, but that there is no comparison between him and his friend for four months. She says that she has seen many athletes who were mentally weak, and none were mentally strong, but she says that that is not the case with her. She adds that she can say what she wants, because she is not a player, but a "sides" athlete. She compares her friend's results to the
At the beginning of the chapter, we are introduced to a new character named Hata Natsu, who is a student at a junior high school in Kukishima, a city in northeastern Japan. He is a friend of the school's karate master, Tomoyuki Sanjumoto, and he has been training with him for the past six years. Hata tells us that he is a "particularly good" athlete, and that he hopes to be able to help his friend at the school. He tells her that he has never met her before, and she is surprised to learn that she is his friend. She asks him how he is able to stay by the side of his master, and when he says that his role as a trainer is to "fix just your once" , Hata says that this requires a "trained professional" . She tells him that the school has changed so that it is more like a private school. She then asks him if he is going to enroll at the new school, and his response is that he does not want to go, because he has not yet "realized" the change. He then asks her if she is here for snacks, and her response is, "I am here to get the tablet !" . He says that he lost a lot of matches with his friend, but that there is no comparison between him and his friend for four months. She says that she has seen many athletes who were mentally weak, and none were mentally strong, but she says that that is not the case with her. She adds that she can say what she wants, because she is not a player, but a "sides" athlete. She compares her friend's results to the