The story begins with a young man named Bayu Asmoro, who is working as a technician for a fan and air-conditioning company. He tells his boss, Roger, that he wants to be a famous actor. The boss tells him that if he accepts the job, he will be paid a lot more than his current job. The young man says that he has decided to dedicate himself to becoming a full-time technician. He is sorry that his boss paid him so much, but he says that it is not because of the money, it is because he is dedicated to his work. He asks if they can call him again if something happens to the air-conditioner. He says that they can't just let him go, since he is a unique individual.
The story begins with a young man named Bayu Asmoro, who is working as a technician for a fan and air-conditioning company. He tells his boss, Roger, that he wants to be a famous actor. The boss tells him that if he accepts the job, he will be paid a lot more than his current job. The young man says that he has decided to dedicate himself to becoming a full-time technician. He is sorry that his boss paid him so much, but he says that it is not because of the money, it is because he is dedicated to his work. He asks if they can call him again if something happens to the air-conditioner. He says that they can't just let him go, since he is a unique individual.