In this chapter, we learn that the body of the last king was never found, even though it was said that he had been killed by seducing women. In fact, the body was found only on his right hand, which is now kept at the royal museum. The blacksmiths in the nearby village are as skilled as those in the big city. The village is famous for its baked konfa, or drumsticks, and for its morning glory cough. The innkeeper tells us that the reason for this cough is that angkasa gets cut when he tries to cut the wrong way to the city. There are two conditions to create a guild: one treasurer, one strategist and two members. The first condition is that you must have a headquarter at least 500m from the castle. The second condition is to join the guild's grand festival and be the best member.
In this chapter, we learn that the body of the last king was never found, even though it was said that he had been killed by seducing women. In fact, the body was found only on his right hand, which is now kept at the royal museum. The blacksmiths in the nearby village are as skilled as those in the big city. The village is famous for its baked konfa, or drumsticks, and for its morning glory cough. The innkeeper tells us that the reason for this cough is that angkasa gets cut when he tries to cut the wrong way to the city. There are two conditions to create a guild: one treasurer, one strategist and two members. The first condition is that you must have a headquarter at least 500m from the castle. The second condition is to join the guild's grand festival and be the best member.