Spirit Catcher

Spirit Catcher • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-789674
Spirit Catcher • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-789675
Chapter 32
This is a locked chapterChapter 32
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Master Yin begins preparations for the festival that is to take place on the fifteenth day of the following month. He explains that the festival is just like every other year, and that he hopes the current priest won't follow his footsteps. He says that they have been living in the house for six months and that the strange aura seems to intertwine with huan, the local priest. He asks if there's something on her mind, and she says that she's had no friends for a long time, so she would never leave the house without them. She also says that the child has been walking around with them since they were children, without a companion. She asks if it's too sudden, and he says that he can't decide. He tells her that everything is beautiful in its own way, and if he ever runs into trouble, he'll try his best to help. Two days later, they pack up and set out.
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Spirit Catcher

Spirit Catcher • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-789674
Spirit Catcher • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-789675
Chapter 32
This is a locked chapterChapter 32
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Master Yin begins preparations for the festival that is to take place on the fifteenth day of the following month. He explains that the festival is just like every other year, and that he hopes the current priest won't follow his footsteps. He says that they have been living in the house for six months and that the strange aura seems to intertwine with huan, the local priest. He asks if there's something on her mind, and she says that she's had no friends for a long time, so she would never leave the house without them. She also says that the child has been walking around with them since they were children, without a companion. She asks if it's too sudden, and he says that he can't decide. He tells her that everything is beautiful in its own way, and if he ever runs into trouble, he'll try his best to help. Two days later, they pack up and set out.
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