
Kirkewood • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3101673
Kirkewood • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3101691
Kirkewood • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3101680
Chapter 30
This is a locked chapterChapter 30
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a discussion of the recent spate of missing persons. The narrator says that he is not sure what the "devil is going on" , but that he does not know how to explain the disappearances. He says that six new people have been reported missing in the past two weeks, and that witnesses have said that they were abducted by a white van. He adds that he would like the feds to get involved in the missing persons case, but they cannot. He also says that other homeless people are also turning into criminals, but there is no evidence of such crimes. He tells the narrator that he has forwarded several invoices to him that he needs to sign before lunch, but he is unable to save the documents. He asks the narrator to dye his hair every day, and the narrator replies that it is not necessary to look like a "freakish over-stuffed animal" if someone notices his green hair
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Kirkewood • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3101673
Kirkewood • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3101691
Kirkewood • Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3101680
Chapter 30
This is a locked chapterChapter 30
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a discussion of the recent spate of missing persons. The narrator says that he is not sure what the "devil is going on" , but that he does not know how to explain the disappearances. He says that six new people have been reported missing in the past two weeks, and that witnesses have said that they were abducted by a white van. He adds that he would like the feds to get involved in the missing persons case, but they cannot. He also says that other homeless people are also turning into criminals, but there is no evidence of such crimes. He tells the narrator that he has forwarded several invoices to him that he needs to sign before lunch, but he is unable to save the documents. He asks the narrator to dye his hair every day, and the narrator replies that it is not necessary to look like a "freakish over-stuffed animal" if someone notices his green hair
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