I'm A Heavy Drinker and All I Want Right Now Is To Pretend I’m Drunk and Be Held • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5176431
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the protagonist is introduced. He is a young man who has just had his first drink at work. He asks the protagonist if he would like to have another drink with him. The protagonist says that he has never had a drink with a man of his own age before, and he is amazed at how much he and the protagonist share in common. He tells the protagonist that he is from the countryside, and the two of them have similar tastes in drinks. He says that the two men are getting drinks at the same speed, and that it is probably time for them to wrap up the story. He adds that he hopes that the protagonist's girlfriend will not be upset by the news. He hopes that she will be able to handle the situation, as she has dumped him a few months before. He wonders if there is anything wrong with the protagonist, as he is headed abroad for five years. He wants to go home, but he does not know what he wants to do.
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I'm A Heavy Drinker and All I Want Right Now Is To Pretend I’m Drunk and Be Held • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5176431
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the protagonist is introduced. He is a young man who has just had his first drink at work. He asks the protagonist if he would like to have another drink with him. The protagonist says that he has never had a drink with a man of his own age before, and he is amazed at how much he and the protagonist share in common. He tells the protagonist that he is from the countryside, and the two of them have similar tastes in drinks. He says that the two men are getting drinks at the same speed, and that it is probably time for them to wrap up the story. He adds that he hopes that the protagonist's girlfriend will not be upset by the news. He hopes that she will be able to handle the situation, as she has dumped him a few months before. He wonders if there is anything wrong with the protagonist, as he is headed abroad for five years. He wants to go home, but he does not know what he wants to do.
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