In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man who has just met his childhood friend, yoshimi. The protagonist complains that he is tired of being kissed by ritsu and wishes that he could be kissed by his friend. He also complains about his clothes, which are stained with sweat and tears. He complains that his clothes are too tight, and wishes he could have some kind of food to eat. Reluctantly, the protagonist agrees to eat some food from yoshimis house.
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man who has just met his childhood friend, yoshimi. The protagonist complains that he is tired of being kissed by ritsu and wishes that he could be kissed by his friend. He also complains about his clothes, which are stained with sweat and tears. He complains that his clothes are too tight, and wishes he could have some kind of food to eat. Reluctantly, the protagonist agrees to eat some food from yoshimis house.