Make Her Wet, Make Her Cum, Hold Her Tight - The Beautiful Man’s True Nature is a Beast • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5176505
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
The narrator thanks the driver for taking him back to work. He's bummed that he's late, but the driver assures him that they'll be back in time for him to pick up his things. The narrator is all, "Hey, I'm late. I feel like I've been scolded by the old man again" . The driver says he'll go check out the makeup in his room. He tells the narrator to look over there and see if she likes the color she's wearing. She says it's pretty, but she doesn't like the way it looks on her skin. He asks her to try it out, and she says she'd like to, too. She tells him that the color isn't quite right for her, and that she'll have to use a different color if she wants to use it on someone else. She also says that if she uses the same color on a different person, she won't be able to bring out the person's charm.
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Make Her Wet, Make Her Cum, Hold Her Tight - The Beautiful Man’s True Nature is a Beast • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5176505
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
The narrator thanks the driver for taking him back to work. He's bummed that he's late, but the driver assures him that they'll be back in time for him to pick up his things. The narrator is all, "Hey, I'm late. I feel like I've been scolded by the old man again" . The driver says he'll go check out the makeup in his room. He tells the narrator to look over there and see if she likes the color she's wearing. She says it's pretty, but she doesn't like the way it looks on her skin. He asks her to try it out, and she says she'd like to, too. She tells him that the color isn't quite right for her, and that she'll have to use a different color if she wants to use it on someone else. She also says that if she uses the same color on a different person, she won't be able to bring out the person's charm.
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