Make Her Wet, Make Her Cum, Hold Her Tight - The Beautiful Man’s True Nature is a Beast • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5152920
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that the heroine is working for a company that provides "total beauty" . She's a mid-career employee at the company, and she's having a lot of fun at the same time. The narrator says that he's always wanted to be a part of the world, and now he has a job to do. He's been watching people since he was a kid, and he thinks it's time for him to do it again. He says that the company is holding a makeup demonstration for a client today, and the narrator is excited to be part of it. He tells the audience that the narrator's hands are rough, and that she uses a cream that doesn't seem to work. She says that she'll use a different cream for each part of her body, but that she won't tell them how to apply it. She tells them that they should use three different colors of makeup for their cheeks, eyes, and lips, and then they'll decide which one will look best on the heroine.
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Make Her Wet, Make Her Cum, Hold Her Tight - The Beautiful Man’s True Nature is a Beast • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5152920
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that the heroine is working for a company that provides "total beauty" . She's a mid-career employee at the company, and she's having a lot of fun at the same time. The narrator says that he's always wanted to be a part of the world, and now he has a job to do. He's been watching people since he was a kid, and he thinks it's time for him to do it again. He says that the company is holding a makeup demonstration for a client today, and the narrator is excited to be part of it. He tells the audience that the narrator's hands are rough, and that she uses a cream that doesn't seem to work. She says that she'll use a different cream for each part of her body, but that she won't tell them how to apply it. She tells them that they should use three different colors of makeup for their cheeks, eyes, and lips, and then they'll decide which one will look best on the heroine.
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