Make Her Wet, Make Her Cum, Hold Her Tight - The Beautiful Man’s True Nature is a Beast • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-5176511
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
The scene opens with Touko and Aoi teasing each other about how Touko's body is getting hotter and hotter. Touko tries to get Touko to rub her body with her fingers, but she can't get her to do it, so she tells Aoi to rub his insides with her own hands. She tells him that when she was a girl, she felt like she was flirting with her female friend, but now that she is a woman, she feels like she is flirting with someone else. She wants to know why Aoi took off his wig, and she wants to ask why he didn't just take off his clothes. She also wants to get to the bottom of why she feels this way, but Aoi won't let her. She says that she's losing her mind, and that Aoi's "true nature" is "a beast" .
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Make Her Wet, Make Her Cum, Hold Her Tight - The Beautiful Man’s True Nature is a Beast • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-5176511
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
The scene opens with Touko and Aoi teasing each other about how Touko's body is getting hotter and hotter. Touko tries to get Touko to rub her body with her fingers, but she can't get her to do it, so she tells Aoi to rub his insides with her own hands. She tells him that when she was a girl, she felt like she was flirting with her female friend, but now that she is a woman, she feels like she is flirting with someone else. She wants to know why Aoi took off his wig, and she wants to ask why he didn't just take off his clothes. She also wants to get to the bottom of why she feels this way, but Aoi won't let her. She says that she's losing her mind, and that Aoi's "true nature" is "a beast" .
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