Get Laid with My Bar Owner!? • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5127982
Get Laid with My Bar Owner!? • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5116030
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
The bar owner leaves a note for the bartender, telling him to be rude to a famous critic. The bartender is upset, and he decides to change the subject. The owner tells him that he is responsible for the situation, and that he will have to learn to control his temper. He tells the bartender that he can drink any amount of alcohol that the customers give him.
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Get Laid with My Bar Owner!? • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5127982
Get Laid with My Bar Owner!? • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5116030
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
The bar owner leaves a note for the bartender, telling him to be rude to a famous critic. The bartender is upset, and he decides to change the subject. The owner tells him that he is responsible for the situation, and that he will have to learn to control his temper. He tells the bartender that he can drink any amount of alcohol that the customers give him.
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