Violated by My Husband's Subordinate... I've Always Loved You. • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5114683
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a flashback to the day when Yo-Yo was humiliated by his subordinate, who had refused to give him a wedding ring. The scene then shifts to the present day, where Yo and his new wife, Aoi, are preparing for their wedding. The wedding is five years away, and the couple is still living with Yo's parents, who have helped them prepare for the wedding. When the wedding guests arrive, Yo and Aoi are overjoyed to see them.
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Violated by My Husband's Subordinate... I've Always Loved You. • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5114683
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a flashback to the day when Yo-Yo was humiliated by his subordinate, who had refused to give him a wedding ring. The scene then shifts to the present day, where Yo and his new wife, Aoi, are preparing for their wedding. The wedding is five years away, and the couple is still living with Yo's parents, who have helped them prepare for the wedding. When the wedding guests arrive, Yo and Aoi are overjoyed to see them.
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