The scene opens with the protagonist, a thirty-year-old woman who is looking for a boyfriend. She has summoned an "incubus" , a young man, to be her companion. The protagonist complains to the incubus that he is tired and hungry, and that he wants to be alone with the girl. The girl, however, refuses, saying that she is too busy at work to be bothered with the unwanted attention. When the protagonist realizes that the girl is not interested in her, she becomes even more aroused, and the two begin to have sex.
The scene opens with the protagonist, a thirty-year-old woman who is looking for a boyfriend. She has summoned an "incubus" , a young man, to be her companion. The protagonist complains to the incubus that he is tired and hungry, and that he wants to be alone with the girl. The girl, however, refuses, saying that she is too busy at work to be bothered with the unwanted attention. When the protagonist realizes that the girl is not interested in her, she becomes even more aroused, and the two begin to have sex.