Dear Sister, I've Become a Blessed Maiden • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5121955
Dear Sister, I've Become a Blessed Maiden • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5113693
Chapter 16
This is a locked chapterChapter 16
About This Chapter
The doctor tells the villagers that the disease is spreading rapidly and that it is too late for them to treat it. The doctor asks the girl to come with him to the laboratory so that he can make a remedy for the disease. The girl is infected with arborridia, and the doctor says that he will need to use some of the charcoal he has collected to make the medicine. He says that if he were to use this charcoal to save the lives of the villagers, he would have to become his slave and that he would be confined to the world
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Dear Sister, I've Become a Blessed Maiden • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5121955
Dear Sister, I've Become a Blessed Maiden • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5113693
Chapter 16
This is a locked chapterChapter 16
About This Chapter
The doctor tells the villagers that the disease is spreading rapidly and that it is too late for them to treat it. The doctor asks the girl to come with him to the laboratory so that he can make a remedy for the disease. The girl is infected with arborridia, and the doctor says that he will need to use some of the charcoal he has collected to make the medicine. He says that if he were to use this charcoal to save the lives of the villagers, he would have to become his slave and that he would be confined to the world
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