Just Friends

Just Friends • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4849064
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
The next morning, luka and Erika go for a walk. They talk about the memories they have from the first time they met at the camp. Erika remembers how crazy she was when she first came to camp, and luka remembers how much he remembers about that time. He tells her that he's crushing on Erika's new camp counselor. He also tells her about the fact that the counselors sleep together in a tent, which seems suspicious to him. He says that he knows the rest of the camp from other years, so he doesn't think it's suspicious that they'll all be asleep by midnight. He asks Erika if he can play some sports with them the next day, and she says she'll try. She also tells him that she's going to leave the next morning. She tells him to see her in the morning, and he says he'll see her at breakfast. They go to a workshop to dye t-shirts with bright colors.
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Just Friends

Just Friends • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4849064
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
The next morning, luka and Erika go for a walk. They talk about the memories they have from the first time they met at the camp. Erika remembers how crazy she was when she first came to camp, and luka remembers how much he remembers about that time. He tells her that he's crushing on Erika's new camp counselor. He also tells her about the fact that the counselors sleep together in a tent, which seems suspicious to him. He says that he knows the rest of the camp from other years, so he doesn't think it's suspicious that they'll all be asleep by midnight. He asks Erika if he can play some sports with them the next day, and she says she'll try. She also tells him that she's going to leave the next morning. She tells him to see her in the morning, and he says he'll see her at breakfast. They go to a workshop to dye t-shirts with bright colors.
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