Reward Me with Your Body, Sir • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4822231
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two of them head to the hotel, where they find that only one bed is available. They decide to have a little fun before they head back to their jobs, and they decide to go for a walk and a shower together. The two decide that they'll have a glass of wine and a nice walk before they go back to work tomorrow.
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Reward Me with Your Body, Sir • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4822231
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two of them head to the hotel, where they find that only one bed is available. They decide to have a little fun before they head back to their jobs, and they decide to go for a walk and a shower together. The two decide that they'll have a glass of wine and a nice walk before they go back to work tomorrow.
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