Reward Me with Your Body, Sir • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-4822227
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a young man who has just graduated from college. He has just gotten his master's degree in business administration and is now working for a large, well-respected law firm. He is very excited to be working for such a prestigious firm, but he is also a little worried about his job prospects. He tells the young man, "I'm not sure if I'm good enough to do the job you're asking me to do." The young man tells him that he is, in fact, very good at his job, and that he has been doing it for a very long time. He asks the man if he would like to go out for dinner with him one night. The man says that he would love to, but that he doesn't know if he'll be able to do it. The two of them talk about how much they love each other and how they'd like to spend more time together. The younger man tells the older man that he wants to go to dinner one night with him. The older man asks if he can call him "mao," and the younger man replies that he can. He then asks if the two can call each other "dump," which is a play on the word "dump." The two then discuss the fact that they have been drinking too much and that they've had too many meetings. The young
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Reward Me with Your Body, Sir • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-4822227
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a young man who has just graduated from college. He has just gotten his master's degree in business administration and is now working for a large, well-respected law firm. He is very excited to be working for such a prestigious firm, but he is also a little worried about his job prospects. He tells the young man, "I'm not sure if I'm good enough to do the job you're asking me to do." The young man tells him that he is, in fact, very good at his job, and that he has been doing it for a very long time. He asks the man if he would like to go out for dinner with him one night. The man says that he would love to, but that he doesn't know if he'll be able to do it. The two of them talk about how much they love each other and how they'd like to spend more time together. The younger man tells the older man that he wants to go to dinner one night with him. The older man asks if he can call him "mao," and the younger man replies that he can. He then asks if the two can call each other "dump," which is a play on the word "dump." The two then discuss the fact that they have been drinking too much and that they've had too many meetings. The young
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