I’m All Alone with a Carnivorous Beast Son of a Noble on an Uninhabited Island!? Moan All You Want • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-4939436
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
The narrator is alone on an island with his carnivorous beast son. He moans all you want. He draws some water to draw some more. He reads the article about the stock market. He's sorry for not getting enough sleep. He wonders if someone has a grudge against him. He also wonders if the pen he lost in the interview is the same pen that he lost the other day. The narrator wonders if he hasn't recovered yet. He asks about the rate of stock trading, about his relation with the actress, and about the ship with which he's travelling. The director waits for him, and the narrator wonders where his pen is. He wants to know how to write exactly the same thing in the exact same pen.
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I’m All Alone with a Carnivorous Beast Son of a Noble on an Uninhabited Island!? Moan All You Want • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-4939436
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
The narrator is alone on an island with his carnivorous beast son. He moans all you want. He draws some water to draw some more. He reads the article about the stock market. He's sorry for not getting enough sleep. He wonders if someone has a grudge against him. He also wonders if the pen he lost in the interview is the same pen that he lost the other day. The narrator wonders if he hasn't recovered yet. He asks about the rate of stock trading, about his relation with the actress, and about the ship with which he's travelling. The director waits for him, and the narrator wonders where his pen is. He wants to know how to write exactly the same thing in the exact same pen.
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