I’m All Alone with a Carnivorous Beast Son of a Noble on an Uninhabited Island!? Moan All You Want • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4822246
Chapter 2
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About This Chapter
The next morning, Hiroyuki finds himself in the middle of a conversation with Hiroyuki's wife, who wants to know what's going on with the missing noble. Hiroyuki tells her that he's been looking for the noble since he disappeared a month ago. He's heard that Hiroyuki went to the city during his overseas inspection, but Hiroyuki doesn't believe him. She tells him that she's fired from her job because she kept trying to get a scoop on the noble's whereabouts. She says that if she were a reporter, she'd do her job and find herself a husband. She's the first person to find the noble on the island, and he has some dirt on him, which she can use to find out more about him. He says that he can't find out how the noble has lived, but he does know that he ran away from the island with the three other men, and that they're all dead. He also says that the island is uninhabited, and there are only two people on it: the noble and his wife. The two of them will have to leave soon, and Hiroyuki says he'll sue them when they get home.
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I’m All Alone with a Carnivorous Beast Son of a Noble on an Uninhabited Island!? Moan All You Want • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4822246
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The next morning, Hiroyuki finds himself in the middle of a conversation with Hiroyuki's wife, who wants to know what's going on with the missing noble. Hiroyuki tells her that he's been looking for the noble since he disappeared a month ago. He's heard that Hiroyuki went to the city during his overseas inspection, but Hiroyuki doesn't believe him. She tells him that she's fired from her job because she kept trying to get a scoop on the noble's whereabouts. She says that if she were a reporter, she'd do her job and find herself a husband. She's the first person to find the noble on the island, and he has some dirt on him, which she can use to find out more about him. He says that he can't find out how the noble has lived, but he does know that he ran away from the island with the three other men, and that they're all dead. He also says that the island is uninhabited, and there are only two people on it: the noble and his wife. The two of them will have to leave soon, and Hiroyuki says he'll sue them when they get home.
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