In this scene, Ruchi begins to prepare for his upcoming role as the master lichino ichino in the upcoming Shu-ri animated series. He apologizes for his performance in the first scene, which was a rehearsal, and says that he is going to go back to his apartment and practice. He asks Ruchi if he can practice with him at his apartment, but Ruchi refuses, saying that he would feel bad if someone like him were to shake him like that. Ruchi then tells Ruchi that the real Ruchi is currently out of print, and that he has only seen the animated series through reruns.
In this scene, Ruchi begins to prepare for his upcoming role as the master lichino ichino in the upcoming Shu-ri animated series. He apologizes for his performance in the first scene, which was a rehearsal, and says that he is going to go back to his apartment and practice. He asks Ruchi if he can practice with him at his apartment, but Ruchi refuses, saying that he would feel bad if someone like him were to shake him like that. Ruchi then tells Ruchi that the real Ruchi is currently out of print, and that he has only seen the animated series through reruns.