Caught in the Act • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4967182
Caught in the Act • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4966630
Caught in the Act • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4966631
Chapter 41
This is a locked chapterChapter 41
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young lovers discuss their feelings for each other. The young lovers decide that they are in love, but that their love will fade away as they grow older. They decide to let go of the idea of being in love and to forget about it. This is why Romeo and Juliet's story cannot happen to teenagers. They can only take on a passion full of passion. The narrator tells us that this is why the love between Romeo and Juliet can only happen when they are teenagers. He says that the narrator can choose to pull away from the love, or he can continue to be in love with the girl he loves. He tells the reader that he will never be able to let this happen. He then tells the audience that he is not in love at all with the young man, but with the man he loves, Fangjianyuan. He asks the reader to define his feelings for him, but the narrator refuses to do so, saying that his feelings belong to him and not to the man who loves him. He goes on to say that if the reader is not going to comfort him, he will go and find someone else
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Caught in the Act • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4967182
Caught in the Act • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4966630
Caught in the Act • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4966631
Chapter 41
This is a locked chapterChapter 41
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young lovers discuss their feelings for each other. The young lovers decide that they are in love, but that their love will fade away as they grow older. They decide to let go of the idea of being in love and to forget about it. This is why Romeo and Juliet's story cannot happen to teenagers. They can only take on a passion full of passion. The narrator tells us that this is why the love between Romeo and Juliet can only happen when they are teenagers. He says that the narrator can choose to pull away from the love, or he can continue to be in love with the girl he loves. He tells the reader that he will never be able to let this happen. He then tells the audience that he is not in love at all with the young man, but with the man he loves, Fangjianyuan. He asks the reader to define his feelings for him, but the narrator refuses to do so, saying that his feelings belong to him and not to the man who loves him. He goes on to say that if the reader is not going to comfort him, he will go and find someone else
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