It's the third time the director and the protagonist have run into each other on the street. This time, they're on the same street, and it's time for them to get back together. The director wants to call the protagonist by his first name, but the protagonist doesn't want to be called by his last name, so they kiss. The protagonist feels like he's about to melt, but he can't believe that the director is saying his name. He's not sure if the kiss is destiny, or if the director just got a ton of experience with the protagonist, and he never said anything about going out after all. The two of them decide to go to the comic book store to read a book together.
It's the third time the director and the protagonist have run into each other on the street. This time, they're on the same street, and it's time for them to get back together. The director wants to call the protagonist by his first name, but the protagonist doesn't want to be called by his last name, so they kiss. The protagonist feels like he's about to melt, but he can't believe that the director is saying his name. He's not sure if the kiss is destiny, or if the director just got a ton of experience with the protagonist, and he never said anything about going out after all. The two of them decide to go to the comic book store to read a book together.