In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman who has just returned from a trip with her fiance, who is also named Daiichi. The young woman, however, is not in love with her new fiance, but rather, she wants to be with him. She feels that she has spoken too much to him, and that he has not been attentive enough to her needs. She wishes that he would have been more attentive to her, but he is too busy with his own business to listen to her pleas.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman who has just returned from a trip with her fiance, who is also named Daiichi. The young woman, however, is not in love with her new fiance, but rather, she wants to be with him. She feels that she has spoken too much to him, and that he has not been attentive enough to her needs. She wishes that he would have been more attentive to her, but he is too busy with his own business to listen to her pleas.