The Hounds of Hell

The Hounds of Hell • Book 4: The Lair of Evil, Part 1 • Page ik-page-4851019
Book 4: The Lair of Evil, Part 1
This is a locked chapterBook 4: The Lair of Evil, Part 1
About This Chapter
In the sixth century A.D., the inhabitants of Constantinople have rounded up the castle and wanted to kill the general. The general tells the children that he is the last descendant of the "roemetalkes" and that he still has the secret of the race hidden in the castle. He tells them that he will take all of their possessions from his brother in Italy, 24 years after they were born. The children are amazed at how young they have become in a short period of time. They are also amazed that they still have the helmet of Hekaton, even though he has been killed by one of the goths. When the general asks what they want, the children tell him that they want to help their friends. He says that they are the first ones he has met and that they have fulfilled the bargain he made with them. He then tells them to stand before the "eye of caleb" , the god of illusion, for the rest of the night. He asks them to stay alert and to obey him. They all agree that it is his light that drew them to this place.
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The Hounds of Hell

The Hounds of Hell • Book 4: The Lair of Evil, Part 1 • Page ik-page-4851019
Book 4: The Lair of Evil, Part 1
This is a locked chapterBook 4: The Lair of Evil, Part 1
About This Chapter
In the sixth century A.D., the inhabitants of Constantinople have rounded up the castle and wanted to kill the general. The general tells the children that he is the last descendant of the "roemetalkes" and that he still has the secret of the race hidden in the castle. He tells them that he will take all of their possessions from his brother in Italy, 24 years after they were born. The children are amazed at how young they have become in a short period of time. They are also amazed that they still have the helmet of Hekaton, even though he has been killed by one of the goths. When the general asks what they want, the children tell him that they want to help their friends. He says that they are the first ones he has met and that they have fulfilled the bargain he made with them. He then tells them to stand before the "eye of caleb" , the god of illusion, for the rest of the night. He asks them to stay alert and to obey him. They all agree that it is his light that drew them to this place.
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