
Count • Free Preview Chapter • Page ik-page-4414373
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"Count ibrahim,moustafa, with brad,simpson, and hassan,otsmane" . This is the famous line from the play's opening scene. It's about revenge, and it's one of the most famous lines in all of Shakespeare's plays. It goes something like this: "Count revenge, / On the road of self destruction." Translation: Revenge can only come from the road to destruction. In other words, revenge is only possible when you destroy yourself. In this case, the road is the battlefield. The battle of the Forreas is over, and Redxan is the new captain of the ship. He's super stoked, and he's even more stoked when he hears that his first mate has jumped off the ship to save the day. He doesn't know what to say, but he does know that the first mate is a "damned fool" and a "bloody hero," and he can't believe that the guy has risked his life to save a ship that's bound for his father's house. He also knows that his fiance's life is on the line, too, and that the ship's cargo is bound for the home of his uncle, the king of Morocco. He says, "I know you've forgotten," and that he'll be happy to tell his father about the good news.
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Count • Free Preview Chapter • Page ik-page-4414373
Free Preview Chapter
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About This Chapter
"Count ibrahim,moustafa, with brad,simpson, and hassan,otsmane" . This is the famous line from the play's opening scene. It's about revenge, and it's one of the most famous lines in all of Shakespeare's plays. It goes something like this: "Count revenge, / On the road of self destruction." Translation: Revenge can only come from the road to destruction. In other words, revenge is only possible when you destroy yourself. In this case, the road is the battlefield. The battle of the Forreas is over, and Redxan is the new captain of the ship. He's super stoked, and he's even more stoked when he hears that his first mate has jumped off the ship to save the day. He doesn't know what to say, but he does know that the first mate is a "damned fool" and a "bloody hero," and he can't believe that the guy has risked his life to save a ship that's bound for his father's house. He also knows that his fiance's life is on the line, too, and that the ship's cargo is bound for the home of his uncle, the king of Morocco. He says, "I know you've forgotten," and that he'll be happy to tell his father about the good news.
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