Different Taste than the Wife [Mature] • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4566381
Different Taste than the Wife [Mature] • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4566382
Different Taste than the Wife [Mature] • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4566383
Different Taste than the Wife [Mature] • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4566384
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
The scene shifts to a park in the middle of the day, and the two of them are talking smack about how much they love each other. They're talking smack because they're both in love with the same woman, and they've both seen her before. The two start talking smack again, and this time it's about the smell of the place. It's not just the smell that's making them talk smack, but also about the fact that they can't see each other's faces because of the way the air is moving around them. The smell is so strong that it makes them feel like they are being smacked around. They start to talk smack again and again, but this time, they can barely hear each other, because the sound of their voices is too strong for them to hear. Finally, they stop talking smack and start talking about how awesome it is to be out in nature, and how much better it is for them both to be together.
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Different Taste than the Wife [Mature] • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4566381
Different Taste than the Wife [Mature] • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4566382
Different Taste than the Wife [Mature] • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4566383
Different Taste than the Wife [Mature] • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4566384
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
The scene shifts to a park in the middle of the day, and the two of them are talking smack about how much they love each other. They're talking smack because they're both in love with the same woman, and they've both seen her before. The two start talking smack again, and this time it's about the smell of the place. It's not just the smell that's making them talk smack, but also about the fact that they can't see each other's faces because of the way the air is moving around them. The smell is so strong that it makes them feel like they are being smacked around. They start to talk smack again and again, but this time, they can barely hear each other, because the sound of their voices is too strong for them to hear. Finally, they stop talking smack and start talking about how awesome it is to be out in nature, and how much better it is for them both to be together.
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