You Came During the Massage Earlier, Didn’t You? The Swimming Girl Is Weak Against Naughty Stimulus • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4313592
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the swimming girl, who has just finished her massage with Dr. Manette. She's so excited to be back in the water that she tries to squeeze the doctor's fingers into her butt. The doctor, however, doesn't seem to be having any of that. Instead, he's just trying to get her to relax. He tells her to lie face down on the ground, and then he'll loosen her lower body. He's going to rub the oil all over her body to loosen the tight muscles in her buttocks. He also tells her that she needs to take off her pants, because the oil is "slippery" and she's "stubborn" . He says they'll try to loosen her hip joint, too, but he won't do it on purpose, since the oil will "stain" her pants . So, he tells her, she'll have to lie down on her back, and he will rub his fingers around her body. Then, he says, "I'll get you
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You Came During the Massage Earlier, Didn’t You? The Swimming Girl Is Weak Against Naughty Stimulus • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4313592
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the swimming girl, who has just finished her massage with Dr. Manette. She's so excited to be back in the water that she tries to squeeze the doctor's fingers into her butt. The doctor, however, doesn't seem to be having any of that. Instead, he's just trying to get her to relax. He tells her to lie face down on the ground, and then he'll loosen her lower body. He's going to rub the oil all over her body to loosen the tight muscles in her buttocks. He also tells her that she needs to take off her pants, because the oil is "slippery" and she's "stubborn" . He says they'll try to loosen her hip joint, too, but he won't do it on purpose, since the oil will "stain" her pants . So, he tells her, she'll have to lie down on her back, and he will rub his fingers around her body. Then, he says, "I'll get you
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