Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me With Love • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4244133
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the wolf and the wolf's companion, the pant-pater, make their first public appearance together. The pant complains that the wolf is too fat to be his mate, but the pant assures him that he will soon be. The two of them make a pact to spend the rest of the winter together, and the pant promises to squeeze every last drop of love out of the wolf.
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Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me With Love • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4244133
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the wolf and the wolf's companion, the pant-pater, make their first public appearance together. The pant complains that the wolf is too fat to be his mate, but the pant assures him that he will soon be. The two of them make a pact to spend the rest of the winter together, and the pant promises to squeeze every last drop of love out of the wolf.
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