The Impatient Heir • Chapter 17 • Page ik-page-4233554
Chapter 17
This is a locked chapterChapter 17
About This Chapter
The impatientheir asks what's going on, and the impatientheir tells him that he's been waiting for her to give him a treat, and that she's just letting him hang out with her all night. He says that's why he started training to be a teacher, because he was tired of going out all night, and he wanted to make sure that he stayed home and did his homework. He's glad that he finally realized that he loves her, because now he can't stand by her side and watch her get married. He tells her that the guy at the daugh-tourism-agency guy has offered to marry her, but she turned him down, saying that she doesn't want to be married to someone who's not her husband. He asks her if she really loves him, and she says that she loves him too, and they hug, and then she asks him if he meant to say that
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The Impatient Heir • Chapter 17 • Page ik-page-4233554
Chapter 17
This is a locked chapterChapter 17
About This Chapter
The impatientheir asks what's going on, and the impatientheir tells him that he's been waiting for her to give him a treat, and that she's just letting him hang out with her all night. He says that's why he started training to be a teacher, because he was tired of going out all night, and he wanted to make sure that he stayed home and did his homework. He's glad that he finally realized that he loves her, because now he can't stand by her side and watch her get married. He tells her that the guy at the daugh-tourism-agency guy has offered to marry her, but she turned him down, saying that she doesn't want to be married to someone who's not her husband. He asks her if she really loves him, and she says that she loves him too, and they hug, and then she asks him if he meant to say that
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