The Governess is in the middle of a conversation with the Governess's servant, who has just returned from the gym. The servant tells her that a man at the gym has been practicing kissing her, and she is shocked to learn that the man has been able to "get really good at kissing" . She asks the servant to tell her more about her nipples, but the servant is unable to give her the information she wants. He tells her to go get her bath towel, but she refuses to do so, saying that she wants to get her futon "dirty" before she goes to bed. She then tells the servant that she cannot keep her voice down, as the man is taking a nap. She tells him to keep his voice down and to whisper if he is too loud, so that the woman will not be able to figure out what he is doing.
The Governess is in the middle of a conversation with the Governess's servant, who has just returned from the gym. The servant tells her that a man at the gym has been practicing kissing her, and she is shocked to learn that the man has been able to "get really good at kissing" . She asks the servant to tell her more about her nipples, but the servant is unable to give her the information she wants. He tells her to go get her bath towel, but she refuses to do so, saying that she wants to get her futon "dirty" before she goes to bed. She then tells the servant that she cannot keep her voice down, as the man is taking a nap. She tells him to keep his voice down and to whisper if he is too loud, so that the woman will not be able to figure out what he is doing.